5 Supercharged Ideas for a Successful Real Estate Marketing

Sep 11, 2020 | Digital Marketing, Real Estate Tips

Let’s face it – thriving in the real estate business isn’t an easy nut to crack! When it comes to investing big money and fat checks on the property, people want to be doubly sure. On top of it, the interplay of global factors and the current pandemic crisis has worsened the situation. However, it doesn’t mean you can’t get enough potential buyers on board. There are some powerful real estate marketing ideas that can help you seal that coveted deal.  

Competition in the real estate segment is fierce these days. So you must have a strong online and offline presence to make a cut. You need to market your brand in such a way that you stand apart from the pack. It’s all about getting in front of the right audience at the right time within budget. From being visible to your customers to giving value to their money, you have to tick all the boxes.

Here are amazing ideas for Real Estate Marketing:

  1. Create a Powerful Social Media Profile for Your Brand

Today, social media presence is not a choice but a necessity. Real Estate Marketing is all about visibility and social media provides it profusely. Make sure you have accounts on all the prominent networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Google+). But before all of this, you need to have a professional website with proper aesthetics and functionality. For example, it should be user-friendly in terms of speed, navigation, content quality, and imagery. In addition to that, the website needs to be mobile-responsive. All of your social media channels should contain the link to your website, too.

To shine on social media, you should begin by building your Facebook page. Facebook is arguably the most popular platform with a colossal pool of users. So a well-designed Facebook Business Page can be a potent weapon to attract your target audience. Similarly, Google My Business is a great feature to reach out to your potential customers. People can easily find you through Google Search, Google Maps, and Google+. Also, real estate Google ads could be a highly effective targeting strategy for you.

The popularity of Instagram is not far behind, thus it is digitally resourceful as well. These days it has become a go-to platform to drive engagement and bring traffic. You can post high-quality photos and short videos to capture the imagination of your audience. Twitter is yet another powerful social medium to succeed in Real Estate Marketing. You have to use apt Hashtags to find relevant content so you can target maximum people.

Finally, making a profile on Zillow could be a necessary shot in the arm. Today, real estate buyers and sellers are turning to Zillow to research the market and find the prospects. Its importance is such that it accounts for 48% of all the real estate traffic.

  1. Create a Luxury Perception

As I said, real estate is usually associated with big bucks. So as a smart real estate marketer, you need to create a perception of luxury. Building such a perception justifies the investment made by your customers. In other words, you are turning expectations of potential home buyers into reality. Your brand must talk about quality and value around the property. For that you need to communicate a luxury story with effective marketing. One way to impart a luxurious perception is to weave the home’s features into a compelling story. Don’t just write a listing, create an experience and make it come alive.

In a way, you aren’t just selling a real estate property; you are selling the whole locality as well. So making a good use of local images would be a nice idea. You can showcase your area with high-quality, eye-grabbing photos. To that extent, Pinterest Boards can help you project amazing images and important information for specific listings. It’s also a great way to highlight major benefits of the locality.

To capture more leads, you can also hire a professional photographer. As a matter of fact, dull photos can negatively impact the value of even the greatest of properties. If you have sophisticated equipment, you can do it for yourself.

  1. Design a Virtual Tour Using Matterport Scans

If you want to take your real estate marketing strategy a notch higher, Matterport technology can help you in great detail. It’s basically an advanced 3D camera specifically designed to scan features or interiors of homes. The technology creates a three-dimensional panorama by stitching together still images; thus, providing an immersive experience to buyers. With this valuable tool, you can easily build, customize, publish, and maintain a digital replica of any property/home.

Matterport is like going on a virtual tour of the property where you can actually walk through it. Your prospects can take a view of up and down, left and right while moving to and fro. More importantly, the Matterport scan provides an accurate depiction of space even if buyers are not physically present there.

This unique virtual staging is definitely a great way to pique a buyer’s interest. A study was conducted on over 4000 homes recently. It revealed that 85% of staged homes got 6-25% more buyers than unstaged ones. Thus, virtual reality is clearly a forward thinking idea to succeed in the real estate business. In this digital age, this futuristic approach is only going to expand further.

  1. Deliver Value through Content Marketing

In many ways, irrespective of industry, the quality of content makes a brand stand out from the rest. Real Estate Marketing, too, definitely needs a great deal of effective content marketing. It’s not only a powerful way to draw visitors, but also a good way to establish your credibility. People always look for informative, valuable, and relevant content that prioritizes quality. Content marketing, therefore, becomes a valuable tool to spread brand awareness. This, in turn, fosters a strong word of mouth leading to organic referrals everywhere.

Content marketing includes multi-dimensional aspects such as blogs, FAQs, concepts, infographics, visuals, newsletters, success stories so on and so forth. You can begin by building a blog that should be effectively optimized for SEO. It will ensure relevant posts are shown up every time your prospects search for them.

Google Analytics and Ahrefs are powerful tools to find pertinent keywords and search terms that your clients and competitors are looking for. Additionally, you will get to know about fresh ideas for your content topics. You can also post useful content on popular authority sites out there. They will link back similar, but useful content to your site. 

Another working strategy is to repurpose your blog posts into infographics or videos. That way, you can enhance your email marketing strategy. It will help you spread the word by sending engaging content to prospects who don’t have enough time to go through entire posts.

  1. Reach Out to Influencers

With the unprecedented explosion of social networks, influencers have also gained widespread popularity. Because of their expertise in specific niches, they have amassed a huge fan following. So you can capitalize on their popularity by collaborating with them. Today, a large number of global brands are reaching out to their target audience with the help of social media influencers. They are profoundly helping businesses to connect with their potential customers organically. Real estate marketing, too, has a considerable scope for influencers to play their bit.

Influencers are also proving to be the key to improve your ROI as well. So who basically are influencers? They can be anyone from entrepreneurs, famous bloggers, celebrities, lifestyle connoisseurs, etc. According to a study, 89% of businesses confirmed that ROI generated through influencer marketing is better or at par with other marketing channels. 

That said, it’s highly pertinent to choose the right influencers to reach the right audience. If a prominent influencer’s followers are not your target audience, they’ll less likely be converted. You can rope in influencers that have a strong local following because they are well-known in the community. If you have a limited budget, you can work with micro-influencers as they charge less. Thus, influencer marketing is a potent way to get in front of thousands of prospects without building a big profile.

Bottom Line

Like any other business, the real estate industry needs a powerful marketing campaign to grab the attention of potential buyers. Since this segment demands a hefty investment, your marketing strategies have to be equally effective and unique. The above-mentioned marketing ideas are definitely potent enough to give you an edge over your competitors. Feel free to message us anytime if you have any questions regarding this article.

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