6C’s of Social Media Marketing

Jan 4, 2021 | Digital Marketing

Social media is a cluster of platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and Twitter, etc. that are used to:

  • Connect with masses
  • Build your brand
  • Increase sales
  • And drive traffic to your website 

Millions of people actively use social media platforms to connect and maintain a good network with the world. If you’re in the field of marketing, be it any sector, you need an excellent social media presence to promote and sell your services globally. It involves generating amazing content on your social media handle, listening to and engaging with the audience, examining the results, and running social advertisements for growth and visibility.

You need to know your targeted audience and should connect with them for better bonding and lead generation. 

But that is not enough! 

The main concern is converting those leads into potential customers for the smooth functioning of the business. And that requires time, investment, and high-vigilance.

There are a variety of social media management tools that help in the growth and development of your businesses on social platforms. For example:

  • Buffer Publish: It is a tool designed for social media scheduling and also provides analytics.
  • Hootsuite: It not only schedules data beforehand but also provides a detailed and monitored analytics report.
  • Zoho: It is similar to all the other tools, but its Team features stand it apart.
  • MeetEdgar: Used for automatic social media posts.
  • Loomly: Provides a set of unique ideas for social postings.
  • Sendible: It is compatible with both social and blog postings on almost all the platforms.
  • Iconosquare: Aims to manage Instagram business accounts and Facebook pages.
  • Tailwind: Its sole purpose is to manage Pinterest accounts.
  • Later: It helps in free or cost-effective social visibility.
Social Media, The Digital Peeps

Uses of Social Media:

  1. Creates a significant brand recognition
  2. Generate a conversation
  3. Narrates brand story
  4. Gathers relevant data for research
  5. Provides interactive service between you and your clients
  6. Redirects traffic to your website
  7. Helps in link building
  8. And on top of it; It is almost FREE…

In today’s crowded world of social, competition can be resilient. Everyone is running behind engagements and brand visibility. S.M.A.R.T. framework should be followed for a relevant presence:

S: Specify your targeted audience

M: Measure your key performance indicators

A: Attainable goals are to be set up for better performance

R: Relevant research is must

T: Timely post the content

This strategy will generate excellent results, but you have to understand your business’s broader goals as well.

Social Media Marketing is a lot more than creating creative social media handles. It is more about understanding your audience and choosing the right platform. When social media marketing content is created, you need to focus on 6C’s that are:- Community, Channel, Content, Conversation, Conversion, and Customer Relation Building.

6C’s of Social Media Marketing are:-


Before starting with all your social media strategies and planning, you need to get the answer to the following questions and then plan according to them.

Question 1. Who is your targeted audience?

Question 2. Which platform does your audience use the most?

Question 3. How much time does your audience spend on a particular channel, and     why?

Question 4. For what purpose does your audience use the preferred channel?

Knowing your audience and their preferences is the first and foremost step of any social planning or strategy.


Initially, being present on Facebook was more than sufficient, but with the change in trends, your business presence should be seen on all the platforms from Instagram to Twitter to Linkedin and so on. Your competitors might be present everywhere. 

But it is also essential to understand that you cannot be effectively active on all the channels for that you need to know which is the most preferred channel of your targeted audience.


After knowing about your social media presence and channels that you’ll be using; it becomes easier to decide what kind of content should be generated and posted. 

It is important to understand that you cannot post the same content on all the platforms. You need to post according to the demand and nature of the particular channel.

Points to remember while generating content:

  • Relevance
  • Specific
  • Engaging
  • Meaningful


Conversation is the key to get actual engagements on your handle. It bridges up the gap between you and your consumers.

Five strategies for social media conversation:

  • Listen to the audience
  • Surround conversations in a significant way
  • Build a meaningful conversation
  • Participate in existing discussions
  • Engage with people


Both social media strategy and business strategy go hand in hand. Social media is one of the best platforms to generate leads as it provides you with the clear picture of who all are interested in the product or service offered by you.

Conversion of leads is a necessity of any business, so your approach towards your social media handles and business should be appropriate and perfect.


Social media not only helps in brand accessibility but also helps in building connections with your customers. Now through social media, customers decide what to buy as it gives them access to more choices and information.

It is your time to design a social media strategy to boost your business. Do share your results and experience with us!

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