How Should Marketing Agencies in New Jersey Tweak Their Strategies During COVID-19

Sep 18, 2020 | Digital Marketing

Not just people at large, but Corona Virus has brought down the whole global business order to its knees. Since the US is the most industrialized country, its business landscape is also badly hit. New Jersey has always been a business-friendly state, but COVID-19 has impacted it profoundly. Thus, it’s interesting to see how marketing agencies in New Jersey change their strategies.

In this article, we will lay out innovative ideas which these agencies can effectively implement. The Corona pandemic of this scale has surely posed severe challenges. But it can also provide opportunities to apply disruptive ideas to boost business. Brands need to be a bit sharper, more creative, and more proactive. It’s all about using the right mindset and utilizing resources more efficiently.

Here are some of the most effective practices for Marketing Consultants NJ during COVID-19:

1.  Reanalyzing and rebuilding marketing funnel

The way things stand right now, it’s time for businesses to sit back and adjust their marketing campaigns. This is because even the well-laid plans won’t work the way they used to. So they need to be pushed back for now. Marketing agencies in New Jersey also need to reevaluate their approach. They need to assess everything in the market, including channels that get the most attention.

Since almost every segment is experiencing low conversion rates as consumers aren’t buying right now. Thus, in trying to create a new marketing funnel, brands need to offer their audiences something free. A good tactic in this regard would be free product trials, courses with hefty discounts, or free sessions.

Furthermore, high quality content always has immense value. So by offering it to customers for free will go a long way in building trust. Hence it’s a great way to connect with audiences and increase brand awareness.

2.  Empathizing and responding the crisis

There’s no doubt that the COVID-19 is going to leave a deep impact on everyone. Since people’s lives have been affected due to this crisis, brands need to empathize with them. Many people are feeling anxiety and grief, and a lot of them have lost their jobs. Thus, it’s high time to help consumers navigate through this phase.

So here are some powerful tips for marketing agencies in New Jersey to empathize with people and win their trust:

  • Taking initiatives on pressing social issues
  • Supporting local communities and their causes
  • Providing support to frontline volunteers
  • Giving charities and donations
  • Collaborating with interest groups
  • Helping senior citizens
  • Educating how people should deal with the situation.

3.  A relook at content marketing strategy

Content marketing, too, should reflect on the ongoing crisis and resonate with consumers. This is a great way to remain relevant as well as on top of their minds. Thus, brands need to create a short to mid-term strategy for content marketing. To begin with, marketing consultants of NJ need to carry out a content audit. It will help them align with the changing circumstances.

Appropriate blogs should be featured on the homepage of websites. Brands should focus on the content that is extremely useful for customers right now. For example, articles related to dealing with stress and anxiety; or how children can boost their immunity, and so on. The idea here is providing enough information and answering customers’ questions. Turns out, this useful information without pitching any sale is of a great value for consumers. Thus it will foster customer loyalty.

This is also the time to understand how audience personas have changed. For example, what are their new priorities? What type of content are they demanding? User generated content can create profound enthusiasm in the audience as well. It reflects the pulse of the people. So after knowing what people are interested in talking about, it’s easier to engage them.

4.  Investing more on paid ads

Another crucial strategy for marketing agencies in New Jersey is to invest in paid ads. According to the latest trends, paid ads are becoming cheaper. As a matter of fact, if there isn’t much competition right now, the cost per click will decrease. Also during this COVID-19 crisis, there are more people on various social media platforms to see ads. The audience at large has turned to digital for news, gaming, videos, and streaming. So it’s an opportune moment to attract more users.

Facebook ads are likely to work wonders for small businesses, which are measurable as well. Facebook helps utilize a key metric called Cost Per Impression (CPM). It tells how much it costs businesses to reach 1000 people. This cost has been cut by 50%, which means reaching twice as many people at the same cost.

One of the most successful advertising tricks during a crisis is to touch consumer psychology and emotions. There is continuous and underlying worry in people’s minds these days. So tapping it effectively means a better chance of connecting with them. In view of this, marketers should weave a COVID message in their ad campaign.

Final Thoughts COVID-19 has made the whole business world come to a standstill. And the United States is one of the most affected countries due to this development. So in the wake of this crisis, marketing agencies in New Jersey, for instance, should adapt their strategies accordingly. These improvised practices will help marketers reach out to more people and get their words to them

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